Two tents, sleeping pads, camping chairs, sleeping bags, camping stove, cook set, pillows, multitool, hatchet, fuel canister, coffee press, headlamps, cooking prep set, cooler, lanterns.
Packlist Outdoors

4-person Camping Package

Regular price $120 $0 Price per night per
Shipping calculated at checkout.


Everything you need for a great weekend of frontcountry or car camping, without all the hassle. This rental package includes the basics for sleeping, cooking, eating, and relaxing. All quality gear, cleaned and sanitized from last use, and delivered and picked up. 

If you would like to add additional items, no problem! Just chose from our individual camping items here. If you have any questions or specific requests, please reach out to, we'd be happy to help!


Rental Gear

  • Tent/Footprint (2)
  • Sleeping Pad (4)
  • Sleeping Bag (4)
  • Pillows (4)
  • Camp Chairs (4)
  • Stove
  • Headlamp (4)
  • Cooler
  • Cook Set for four
  • Prep Set
  • Lantern (2)
  • Coffee Press
  • Hatchet
  • Camp Fuel